Oakstrand Realty

Putting your commercial property on the real estate market can be a challenging task. With the current state of the real estate market, it can be even more difficult to find buyers for office buildings and apartment complexes. However, with the right strategies and knowledge, you can successfully navigate the commercial real estate market. In this blog, we will provide you with strong tips for your next commercial real estate purchase or sale.

Consider the Location

When looking to purchase rental real estate, it is important to consider the location. Properties near universities tend to attract student tenants. If this is the type of market you are targeting, make sure to include specific rules in your lease agreements regarding parties and additional roommates. Keep in mind that student tenants may not be long-term, and vacancies may increase during the summer months.

If you are planning to host a yard sale or garage sale at your future rental property or apartment complex, make sure to ask the property management if you are allowed to post signs within the complex. Some property managements have strict rules against public advertisements.

Use the Cash-on-Cash Formula

Before making an investment in commercial real estate, it is important to determine the amount needed for the initial investment. One way to do this is by using the cash-on-cash formula. This approach is commonly used by investors who rely on financing activities to raise the necessary funds for a property. Use this formula to compare the Year One performance of different properties.

Work with an Experienced Broker

When purchasing commercial real estate, it is crucial to work with a broker who has extensive experience in the field. A knowledgeable and experienced broker can help you get the best deal possible and save you money in the long run. They can also help elevate the value of your purchase.

Meet with an Architect

Before finalizing a real estate purchase, it is important to meet with an architect for your company. They can provide you with a better understanding of the blueprint for the buildings and structures that you will need to build on the new property. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure that the property meets your specific needs.

Explore Different Options

When considering investing in commercial real estate, do not limit yourself to just apartment blocks. Think outside of your comfort zone and explore other options such as office buildings, industrial land, or warehousing. Ultimately, the property that will help you achieve your financial goals should be the one you choose, not just the one that makes you the most emotionally comfortable.

Negotiate the Lease Terms

If you plan on leasing a commercial property, try to negotiate the time the landlord has for rebuilding and repairing. This will give the landlord a faster turnaround time for repairs, and it can also provide you with a way to cancel the lease if necessary.

Define Your Requirements and Survey Properties

Prior to beginning a commercial real estate transaction, it is important to define your requirements. Meet with all parties involved in the project and discuss your needs and expectations. Then, start surveying properties that meet your requirements.

By following these tips, you can improve your standing in the commercial real estate market. Whether you are buying or selling, having a strong understanding of the market and utilizing effective strategies can help you achieve success. Don't be a know-it-all in the market, take